Dave Sarra | Smithsonian, Stand Up Comedy, Stargates | Halloween Episode EODR 88

Stand up comic Dave Sarra visits Daniel for some Halloween Fun. He talks in depth about what it is like going from being a lawyer to being a stand up comic. Daniel and Dave talk about the possibility of him starting a podcast and what it would be like. Dave launches into an incredible discussion about the Smithsonian and the cover up of history including an amazing discussion about Native American past civilization. The guys talk about Howard Stern, dating, stargates and so much more. Later on Daves friend Butt calls in and we get some interesting information.

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Gregory Lessing Garrett | Transhumanist Endgame, Globe Lies, Luciferian Manipulation | EODR 87

Gregory Lessing Garrett joins Daniel once again on End of Days Radio to catch up and talk about what he has been up to. Greg is an independent researcher and author devoted to cracking the mystery of our every day reality and the belief system that has been thrust upon us by a ruling elite. Author of several incredible books including the very groundbreaking “The Scientism Delusion” which first tore into the Luciferian Matrix as well as “Atheism Refuted” another cutting edge title turning the world of science and theory on its head. Gregs other books include his Flat Earth Trilogy: Book of Secrets and also One Deception to Rule Them All many topics of which we get into with this interview


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