E.A. Koetting | Demonic Gatekeepers, Satan, Lucifer, Left Handed Path Truth | EODR 109

World Renown magician E.A Koetting joins End of Days Radio this Apocalyptic night, he is a left handed magician and author of many hit books among occultists including the Demonic Gatekeeper series that we discuss in depth in this interview.

Things start off with E.A. and Daniel sharing a laugh about how much things have changed since last time they had talked.

This interview is a wild ride into the world of left handed magic. In depth is a true spiritual lesson as to the nature of truth and why what we call black magic is very different than what most conspiracy theorists might believe. E.A. answers many key questions from Daniel including why the fall is so important.

Daniel is excited for this interview as he has had some very serious personal spiritual experiences lately of the left handed path nature. He spends much of this interview telling E.A. of his recent magic experiences.


An Illuminati Insider Tells All | Predada Severa part 2 | EODR 109

An Illuminati Insider Tells All | Predada Severa part 2

This is a six hour super interview that has to be heard.

Predada Severa returns for the second part that was promised.

He takes Daniel so deep into the rabbit hole, things evolve into a 6 hour long Truth sequence of mind blowing proportions. Listen to the veil get destroyed as the gap between the average Joe and the world of ancient magics, aliens and conspiracy is finally bridged. Learn the true fate of Hitler and how it relates to modern times, and obviously a whole lot more than that.



Matt Landman | Mind Controlled Shills, Chemtrail Dusting, Elon Musk Darkside | EODR 107

Matt Landman is an activist and filmmaker who specializes in 5G, vaccines, chemtrails and anything else that is threatening humanity. Matt and Daniel have a very interesting conversation about all the changes in the world since he was last on. Daniel asks Matt if he feels vindicated that the things he has been warning us of are now a present in your face danger to us all. They go on to discuss things like shills, reptilians and how things might actually play out.



Rachel Tobias and Dave Sarra | End of Days Roundtable 2020 Hell Edition | EODR 106

Here we go with another End of Days Radio Roundtable finally after many many requests. This time Daniel is joined by comedians Dave Sarra and Rachel Tobias, both friends of the show who join Daniel for one heck of a treat. The group takes turn giving their opinions on several issues including forced vaccination, comedy theft, Joe Rogan, religion, Antifa vs. Proud Boys, Pizzagate and more. This explosive roundtable episode needs to be heard not read about.




Samantha Mowat | MILABS, Implants, Arranged Relationships, Hybrids | EODR 105

Samantha Mowat is an ET experiencer with many higher abilities. Unfortunately she has been a victim of Milabs as well and is here with us to talk about all of these things.

Daniel starts off by asking Samantha about her past which she then goes on to reveal that she comes from a psychic family that has a long history of amazing experiences with otherworldly beings. She talks quite a bit about the positive aspects of alien abductions vs. the negative. Daniel is amazed that she can go through so much without going crazy. Samantha gets a message from her guides to talk about implants and shares a bit of information about ear ringing that Daniel can really relate to. She then talks about MILABS, Draconians, Nordic Aliens and much more.

