Clinton Kowach | Apocalyptic Signs, Tribulations, Christian Persecution, Revelations Abilities | EODR 94

After the successful release of Submissive Wisdom in 2014, Bible Prophecy Author Clinton Kowach has worked diligently to present the unfolding revelations of the Holy Scripture in relation to modern events. Using the Diligent Watchman platform, his successful blog, recordings and radio programs have pursued truth about the world today while striving to present an unfolding view about the world around us. His unique evaluation of political, economic and social issues provides insight into modern events and how they tie to Bible Prophecy. With his insight, many have been able to see the unfolding of the prophetic word, in real time, as our world becomes closer to the return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Daniel is excited to have Clinton on the program. He asks Clinton many key questions about signs of the end and how it will all play out. Clinton gives his take on the Israel situation and explains what has to happen in Israel for the last days to truly begin. Clinton tells Daniel that the Christians are going to be in for it but there is hope, we will be getting powers!

Daniel comes back and talks to Todd a bit and rails once again against Socialism.


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