MagiKk MiKkee | Pan the Pied Piper | EODR 187

Michael is a researcher who delves into magic, secret societies, worldwide mind control, the 13 families and the criminal underworld which is tied right back into the Illuminati.

He talks to us about how secret societies such as The Shriners are knee deep in seedy corruption. How Colorado is a Satanism hot spot and how what happens behind bars can break a person. He even shares with us a personal style of divination using dogs.


When we return the guys talk a bit about Kate Middleton, a potential draft and what would happen if we gave everyone an allowance. Featured in this episode: Todd the Bod, Dr. Robert, Clint Aestwood, Jin the Ninja, Robbie Marx, Chad Warren, Simple Farmer aka Al, Jack and Geo.


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