Rachel Tobias | Mind Control, Anarchy, Atheism, Judaism, Stand Up Comedy | EODR 97

Rachel Tobias is an Illustrator, standup comedian and co-host of RTR Truth Media. She is an anarchist and voluntaryist with a very interesting story of truth seeking throughout her life.

Rachel begins by going into her past and talks to Daniel about growing up Jewish and what it was like first questioning those beliefs and becoming atheistic. She goes on to explain how she felt pressured and forced to believe certain things and was unable to even date who she wanted unless he was Jewish. Daniel asks about Israel and Rachel replies that she actually visited Israel before.

Rachel then goes onto explain her descent into the rabbit hole of truth and how she was awakened to things like false flag conspiracies and the existence of an Illuminati. The conversation goes to some very interesting philosophical and political places and then finishes with talk about stand up. Overall a very different and refreshing type of interview.


Daniel comes back from break and ends up in a three way conversation with Todd and Al who actually fight on air a little.


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