Max Cole | Dealing with Adversity, Modern Dating, Film Making Pitfalls | EODR 74

Max Cole is an award-winning writer and director located in Los Angeles, California. He was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His latest short films have screened in 40+ film festivals across the country.
Max has a strong interest in thought-provoking, emotionally engaging stories. He is currently writing, producing, and directing a variety of upcoming compelling stories. Additionally, Max is developing a web series and a few indie music videos. He is currently an active volunteer of the Scriptwriters Network.

Max is also the Creator, Host, and Producer of The Cinema After Dark Podcast — a weekly independent film, television, and entertainment podcast.

This is a compelling 3 and 1/2 hour interview that dives deep into the life and philosophies of Max Cole. Daniel and Max cover every tough topic from transgendered kids to both spouses role in a modern family to racial hatred. Max gives his background growing up in Pittsburgh and the challenges of growing up a poor.

Later Daniel and Max delve into the world of movies as Max gives a very unique insider perspective into movie making and the pitfalls that go into creating a project. Max explains how sometimes it is better to leave a project than create something that does not live up the the original standard.

Daniel and Max then get into a long and in depth discussion about modern dating and how hard it can be to find that right fit.

Daniel comes back and talks about Alexandra Octavia Cortez how, while her socialist views disgust Daniel, he actually agrees with her 100% about Gaza.


Nathan Sanders | Radio Synchronicity, Mandela Effect and Revelations | EODR 73

Nathan Sanders had a near death experience in 2013, since then he has been communicating with a being named SAM. He is here to talk about synchronicity with us.

Nathan comes on the line and Daniel asks him a bit about his past. Turns out Nathan was a play write who put together some interesting southern gothic stories. Nathan began communicating with SAM after a near death experience. SAM began using the radio and other means to send Nathan messages through “synchronicity”.

Nathan realizes that SAM is actually god himself and god can easily do anything including the Mandela Effect which is god showing a select few that anything even the past can be re-written. Nathan says that we are currently going through a Tribulation which Daniel agrees with.

Nathan tells Daniel that his name Daniel is a synchronicity.

Nathans Youtube Channel

Daniel comes back from break and acts like a maniac, as per usual. He touches on society allowing pedophilia to become normalized, talks about the elite wanting to wipe us out with Todd and goes over some vicious news stories.


Gregory Lessing Garrett | Luciferian NWO Anti-Christ, Transhumanist Programming, Grand Deception | EODR 72

Gregory Lessing Garrett is the author of a new book which exposes the hidden history of Lucifer’s effect on our modern science. The book he wrote “The Scientism Delusion” maps out the Luciferian conquest of our minds and the multiple inverted layers of lies and deceptions that have completely re-written our reality.

This is Greg’s second appearance on the show. Daniel had talked to Greg privately about the success of the first interview with him and invited him back to delve further into the multi-layered Luciferian matrix of deception that is peppered throughout our human history.

Greg then goes on to give an interview that lasts three and one half hours. Daniel states later that he only let it go so long because it was such a hot fire interview!

They get into the Luciferian New Age psychedelic drug pushing unlocking psychic abilities and how by rebelling, you can actually be pushed into Lucifer’s trans-humanist future. The world stage unfolds as puppets are revealed and we learn about the truth of the Illuminati and how they have not only convinced us we are on a ball but that Alien gods are going to come save us. Names such as Albert Pike and Madame Blavatsky are brought up as well as Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons who all helped sow the seeds for the new age.

Greg reveals his exciting upcoming book about the coming of the Ant-Christ and the alien deception much to Daniels excitement.

The Scientism Delusion Techno Mysticism And Techno Spiritual Warfare Exploring the Connections Between Scientism and Luciferianism

Daniel comes back from break with a huge announcement. He makes it clear that he is done with left vs. right political manipulation. He know sees through the lies to a deeper level and can no longer support either the right or left due to the danger of violence. He then pledges to support Libertarian candidate Adam Kokesh as next president.

Daniel then talks about Clyde Lewis’s reputation of being threatened and car bombed due to the nature of his show.


Robert Stanley | Lucifers Matrix of Insanity | EODR 71

Robert Stanley is a friend of the show, an author, radio host and researcher who has had a real life encounter with Lucifer Morningstar himself. He draws a big comparison between Enki from ancient Sumner and Lucifer. It turns out Lucifer is likely many different characters from history and mythology.

Daniel begins by asking Robert how he has been, Robert explains how he has been busy working on his radio program which covers some very interesting topics. Robert explains the challenges of keeping this type of program fresh which Daniel sympathizes with.

They then climb deep into the rabbit hole as Robert and Daniel put their heads together over one year after their classic ground breaking interview. Robert takes us deep into the Luciferian Matrix and explains how the Reptilian Alien conspiracy theory is likely a mask covering something similar but at the same time far different. The aliens we might think of as Reptilians might actually be closer to frogs than we might imagine. Daniel points out a passage from Revelations that seems to coincide.

After the break Daniel comes back, talks Roseanne disappointment, his mom putting a dress on him at age 4 and takes calls from Al and Todd before doing some weird news and the mind blowing moment of the day.


Reverend John Polk | Draconians and Miilabs | EODR 70

Reverend John Polk is a Metaphysical Minister, Medium, Channel and Reiki Master. He works with ArchAngels, Ascended Masters, as well as his guides, to manifest the most accurate readings that you desire. As a UFO Contactee, he counsels those with similar experiences and provides them with answers that enable them to have full and rich lives. Serving as a conduit for the Universal God Consciousness, his meditative and energy healing techniques are highly sought after for raising your vibration and frequency. Reverend Polk was recently employed as a Medium, Counselor and Spiritual Healer in Sedona, Arizona.

Daniel and begin with a little small talk. Daniel asks John what he has been up to and we learn that John has been getting stalked by UFO’s. He is an abductee that has ongoing issues with Miilabs and he tells Daniel that he senses Daniel has implants in him too which Daniel agrees with because he feels them. John tells Daniel about the Harvesting program going on across the cosmos.

John goes on to explain the many dimensional levels, Draconians, portals, Annunaki being Reptilian and much more. He explains that many alien encounters are actually positive and while these dark factions are causing problems for us, to not underestimate the good guys either.


Daniel comes back from break and goes hog wild. He complains about Lucifer on Fox going off the airwaves, he complains about GAZA, he complains about disinformation, takes a call from Todd and answers a very strange email from a listener.
